November 16, 2011

Featured Artist: le animalé

This is Laura. Hi Laura.
Shop Name: le animalé
What you like to go by: Laura
When did you start your shop? May 2011
Is this your only job? It's a full-time job, but I also work as a part-time freelance photographer.
When did you realize you had this talent? Sculpting is something I've done on and off for the past few years.
Where do you find your inspiration? Animals, of course! I get lost in all of the adorable animal photos on the internet. I'm also inspired by my friends and family.
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Who has been the most supportive of your work? My boyfriend. He's so supportive of my endeavors and is ALWAYS there for me. But I've really had great support from a lot of different places and I'm so thankful to each and every person who has supported my work!
What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet? A balanced schedule.
What are your words to live by or favorite quote? Two Emerson ideas: "Always do what you're afraid to do." --- "Envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide."

Profile Excerpt:

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Hi. My name is Laura, and I love:

quirky traits
silly humor
& fun gifts.

I tell people all the time that I wish I could have a zoo, or better yet, a zoo of miniaturized animals. Wouldn't that be the cutest? So I created the closest thing possible: le animalé, a place with mini animals full of cute & humorous antics ready to brighten your day. : )

Take a peek into my creative process.
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Check out my blog.
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