October 20, 2011

Featured Artist: DebrasDivineDesigns


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Debra captures the beauty and essence of the butterfly and turns it into a piece of wearable art. These iridescent pieces are what first drew me to her shop. Although she's a Customer Service Rep for her normal 9-5 she transforms much like a butterfly when she enters her studio, creating magnificent pieces many of us could not even imagine!

Shop Name: DebrasDivineDesigns     

What you like to go by: Debra for business and Deb to close friends.   

When did you start your shop? My shop opened up Dec 31 2010.

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Is this your only job? No, I work full time in Insurance as a Customer Service Representative

When did you realize you had this talent? I have always been creative but started making jewelry seriously 5 years ago.

Where do you find your inspiration? I find much of my inspiration in nature and organic things. I am a bit bohemian in style and romantic in heart so many of my creations have flowing lines that twist and turn capturing items in their midst.

Who has been the most supportive of your work? My friends and boyfriend and clients, I get many repeat customers.

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What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet? I started to take silversmithing in a casual class but actually want to go to school to learn more on setting stones and casting.

What are your words to live by or favorite quote? Live, Laugh and Love

Excerpt from Debra's Profile:
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As in every art form, unique jewelry has the power to enhance beauty, create moods, provoke opinions and produce reactions. Crystals, metals & gemstones have been known to have the power to restore, heal and protect since the beginning of time.
At her studio in London, Ontario, Debra spends time creating pieces that reflect current style, elegance, uniqueness, and above all, fun. This is the design philosophy that jewelry designer Debra Jeffries follows in creating and developing her own unique collection of hand-made jewelry. She designs her pieces for the wearer to enhance their natural beauty with a complementary color and style. When the mood strikes to create, Debra finds inspiration for her designs from the beauty and power of nature.
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"Often, it is the materials themselves that can become inspiring and usually it is something out of nature that draws me back for a second look. I love to take wire and create unusual shapes and hammer them out to make them strong or use colored crystals or gemstones that are known for their positive restorative properties and transform them into fashionable pieces that are wearable and fun”.
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“My real passion is in making my butterfly pendants. ALL butterflies that I use are farmed and not wild caught so that the natural populations of the butterflies are not being depleted by poachers. Through my art, this provides an opportunity for me to promote stewardship and conservation of the Monarch and to educate people about the risks they are facing. Monarchs are a Species at Risk and are specially protected by the Ministry of Natural Resources under the Endangered Species Act (2007) in Canada. Because of this, no Monarchs are used in any of my latest art pieces. By simply planting milkweed in your gardens, you can help dramatically increase the Monarch population once again”.
Debra loves to watch people try pieces on in her studio or at one of the many shows that she is at. “It is so inspiring to see other people realize that jewelry can be beautiful without having to always conform to what is expected,"
Living in Canada offers Debra boundless opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and to be inspired by the power of nature. This is what she feels makes jewelry really, truly memorable unusual and valuable.