October 29, 2011

Featured Artist: Lipgloss and Black

Sylvia and Samantha are sisters will a passion for fashion. They also have a blog you can check out. Their attire is chic and stylish! Click on the links below to visit their etsy shop!

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Shop Name: Lipgloss and Black

What you like to go by: You can call us Sylvia and Samantha or "Syl and Sam" for short.

When did you start your shop? We started our business in 2004 on Livejournal, got a little more serious and sold on eBay for a few years & then opened our Etsy shop in 2008

Is this your only job? Yes! Both of us are working full time trying to grow our business.

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When did you realize you had this talent? We both grew up in a creative environment where we found ourselves coloring or crafting as a hobby. Our mom taught us how to alter clothes at a young age & we were interested in getting creative with it. We never saw sewing as a special talent or anything, it was more like learning an important life skill. We both taught ourselves the basics of clothing construction and Samantha actually went to College for Fashion Techniques and Design.

Where do you find your inspiration? We find our inspiration everywhere from magazines to the streets. We love seeing what pop and rock stars wear on stage and try to take small elements from stage outfits to implement into the everyday clothes we make.

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Who has been the most supportive of your work? Our customers have been so supportive of us since day one. Even when we have doubts about our skill or creativity, they are there to support us with their words or by buying our pieces. We are always thrilled to find new customers and it's amazing when people tell us they've been following us since we started in 2004!

What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet? Although we seem like an old business, we're only in our first year of operating full time. We hope only to succeed as a full time fashion business and to be able to survive by doing what we're passionate about.

What are your words to live by or favorite quote? No specific quotes or anything, we just want girls to wear what makes them feel happy & to know that it isn't too hard to do-it-yourself, sometimes!

Excerpt from Profile:
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Lipgloss & Black is an independent online business established & entirely run by two sisters, Sylvia & Samantha. We started off designing & making purses quite a few years ago & quickly expanded to clothing & accessories! Our sales here will consist mainly of our DIY clothing :)

We use several amazing machines including: Juki DDL-555 Industrial Sewing Machine, Kenmore 385 Commercial Sewing Machine, Euro-Pro Serger & Janome 1000cpx.

We love the internet, don't forget to visit us:
FACEBOOK - facebook.com/lipglossandblack
TWITTER - twitter.com/lipgloss_black
TUMBLR - lipglossandblack.tumblr.com
MODELMAYHEM - modelmayhem.com/lipglossandblack
EMAIL - info [!at] lipglossandblack.com

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