Book Review: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Extremely boring and only vaguely interesting at times. As a person who lost her sister, Sebold does not do the loss of a sibling any justice. There was much that could have been left out of this book and much that was omitted that should have been included. The depictions of the characters experiencing the loss of Susie were not accurately portrayed and I could barely finish this book. My sister passed away in 2007, almost 10 years ago now. Needless to say, I have experienced loss. After I read this book, I watched the movie as well and both left me feeling absolutely nothing. I did not care about the protagonist. I did not care about her family members. Sebold, draws out this story for so long for no real purpose and the entire process is draining as the entire time I read/watched, I wished it would end. I was hoping that the movie would bring to light something that I was missing, perhaps my brain wasn't registering the words properly, or creating the images in my minds eye correctly. I was so wrong. The movie turned out to be so much worse than the book. I actually lost a little respect for Mark Wahlberg... If you have not read the book or watched the movie and don't believe me, by all means, go ahead and pick up a copy for yourself. I would love to hear what you think about either.View all my reviews