August 19, 2016

Make Up Tips with Faith: How to Highlight & Contour

My adorable friend Faith has a YouTube channel full of make up tips. If you have not subscribed to Faith's channel please do!


In this video Faith teaches us how to Highlight and Contour. 

Here are my video recap take aways!


Bronzer vs. Contour Powder 

Like Faith, I also use a bronzer to contour instead of contour powder, however I personally use Lancôme Star Bronzer when I am not using my Lancôme Blush and Highlighter Kit which comes with all three products needed for the look. Whether you use contour powder or a bronzer is your own personal preference which Faith  stresses in the video. In order to create depth Faith uses an angled brush to apply product. I won’t go into detailed instructions because she does give great instructions in the video. You can see right away how the contour defines her cheek bone. She reminds us to make sure that we are blending our contour product. The technique that she uses in the video is to use the same brush after cleaning it on some paper towel or the back of her hand. You can also use your powder brush with some light all over powder on it to help blend.


Finishing Powder and Technique

Faith uses a pressing motion for her finishing powder and highlighting powder so it doesn’t give a cakey muddy result when applied on top of a liquid foundation or cream. After the contour powder and highlighter is applied there is a clear area in the center of each where she applies her blush using the Morphie E4. Again, using the blush, she uses a pressing motion into her skin in an upwards direction before she swipes. This allows the blush to set as well as blend with the contour and under eye highlighter.



The highlighter Faith uses in the video is the BeccaMoonstone, Physicians Formula and Superb Powder, which you will notice all three have an iridescent shimmer quality. Blending is important because the shimmer is very noticeable and can be streaky.


Tips for Nose Contour

Don’t press! Instead of pressing use a short swiping motion so that the product stays right where you want it.

Faith also has her very own eye shadow line which you can purchase by contacting her directly on her Facebook page.