April 22, 2016
Misanthropy Publishing is currently accepting submissions for a first issue release! This is a monumental project start up that you have a chance to be a part of!
Genres: SCIENCE FICTION WORKS, including Hard (Science) SF, Space Fiction, PARANORMAL, Sci Fi, Future Fiction, Lost Civilizations, Utopias, Dystopias, Disaster Novels, Alternate Histories, Time Travel, Parallel Worlds, etc., and FANTASY, including Horror, Gothic! Erotic themes are okay but they must be more literary than sexual. Other genres will be considered on a individual basis. Works will be decided upon on a case by case basis!
Length: All submissions should be short-stories or prose. Please keep all submissions under 10k words if possible. If you go over a little, that is okay too!
Please ensure that your work is carefully edited.
Make sure you have well-developed and believable characters.
Originality is key! Make sure your story is original and do not copy other plots or story lines from other media.
Payment: If your work is chosen you will receive $25 for your submission via PayPal.
Submit: Please send all submissions to misanthropycreations@gmail.com