January 14, 2016


I think I am the same person that I have ever been. I mean, I can't really remember being different from who I am now. I can't really remember the voice in my head sounding different than the way it does now. I have always been this way. I have always been who I am, not who I have become. People say that you “become” a woman or that you “come into your own”. I think that person they think you become is always deep inside of you. You don't become anyone you just slowly shed the outer layers. The layers upon layers of insecurities and naivete. If you are lucky you shed ignorance. It's all there to begin with if you dig down deep enough. Shovel all the shit away and you're in there staring back at yourself. Telling yourself, “Hello old friend, I have been here all along. Why didn't you come sooner?” That person waits for you patiently to shovel all the shit. It watches you through all your struggles. For some that person is hopeful and kind and believes you will unearth it one day. That person is lucky and will break free one day to embrace herself. That person helps you dig her free. For others that person fills in all the gaps of any progress you make until an inevitable self destruction occurs. That person is unlucky. That person never stood a chance against herself and buries herself alive. That person is a bitch. That person was never meant to be.
Humans are on the constant voyage of search. Whether it be for money or love or themselves, as if any one of those things would make a difference in the end. Nothing makes a difference in the end. The end is the end. Swift, dark, beautiful nothingness where continuously you cease to exist. Our lives are but a mere spec of dust in scheme of things. Yet we spend our time searching instead of living. Our lives have become the search. From the moment we are born we search for air, food, comfort and love. As we cling to life we search for faith, hope in the after life, forgiveness and relief. That is the way it has always been done. Other than the tangible, these figments of our imagination are neither here nor there. They are not necessary for human life to occur or carry out and continue. Yet since the dawn of our time they have been present.
Romantics search for the definition of love to make it more tangible. Scientist search for the answers to questions that will make our world more understandable. Historians search the memories of years past. All of which create timelines to aid us in adverting disasters for our future. All of which we ignore and carry on with disregard. Down into the rabbit hole we all go. Holding hands and skipping along the way. No one will be saved. Each and every one of us will perish. Only our emotions tell us that it matters how and that it matters why but those too can quickly die. Emotions changing from one day to the next so effortlessly and sometimes against your will.