August 19, 2013


Holy shit that was a huge moth!


My great friend Amanda had her second child this past week. A boy named Logan and her second child. I am a little late on crafting this baby blanket but better than never! I went to see her while she was in the hospital and again this past Monday. I reminded me about how much I love to crochet and also that I still have a soft spot for babies, even though I claim to hate children.

I really only included this foto because I came across it today and I thought it was really funny. What is "mind bottling," you like like when your so confused, like your mind is trapped inside a bottle... is there are people out there that actually think like this and teach their children these things still! Be weary! It could be closer to home than you think!

HALLOWEEN! I love all hallows eve! It's my favorite holiday and I am super excited because I am going to be Wednesday Adams this year!


Since I got Harold here I have been learning an awful lot this past week about the Sulcata Tortoise and how to take care of him. I think he is doing really well so far adjusting to him new home! 


Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls It's a collection of short stories. Morbid and wacky and out there. Pretty much right up my alley.


This guy. Since I brought Harold home he has been super jelly and he won't leave me alone. He constantly seeks my attention. It's very humorous because Chichi here didn't even do this when we brought the cat home. I think he is just mad because the Tortoise needs so much care and he can't play with him like he could with the cat!


I feel pretty amiss lately. Just when I thought my insomnia was going away and I was regaining a normal/semi normal sleep schedule again it has crept back up on me. I am not even sure what the cause of it is. Perhaps I just feel like there is so much to do. This here is a very somber picture of the sun rising out my window. As you can see it totally encompasses how I have been feeling on my sleepless nights.


While I can't sleep, I keep my self preoccupied with The Wonder Years until I finally drift off into dream land. It's nice to rewatch something that I was introduced to at such an early age. I feel like there are some episodes that I remember, even though it was a long time since I've watched this show. I guess I just keep watching it because of my love of Kevin Arnold and the Super Cooper. I just love their little drama. Not to mention Kevin was a total cutie was he was little, boy was I crushing him when I was 7 years old! 

Well that is about all that has been going on with me lately! I hope you enjoyed my currently post!