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March 19, 2012
Gearing Up!
I've been into rings lately. When I say "into" I mean obsessed. At the moment I have more rings than anything else in my shop, with more sitting on my coffee table, patiently waiting to be listed. All the supplies for these rings were hand chosen by myself, and each ring is one that I would personally want to own and wear. In fact, I can say that about every item in my shop. So I am happy to bring you these items and more to follow them in the very near future!
I can't even express how happy I am that St. Patrick's day has come and gone. Working as a full time server/supervisor at an Irish "Pub" St. Paddy's day is kind of a BIG DEAL. I was dreading the holiday as it approached. After over $1000 dollars in sales as a server, starting at 2pm and ending at 12:30, my 10 hour shift finally ended and I was allowed to go home "early". Oh my legs! How they ached and still do! To top it all off I'm working six days in a row this week so I won't get any actual rest until Friday! I was able to take a nice long bath when I got home and then I slept for a good 10 hours!
The coming of St. Patrick's Day means that April is just around the corner and that warm weather is approaching here in South West Florida. Spring has almost sprung and the flowers I planted are about to bloom. When the weather gets hot and humid it means one thing! The snow birds can't dish the heat and they start to fly back up north! Busy season will be ending soon and I will return to a 5 day work week and we will no longer be short handed at work! My stress level will return back to a some what normal level and I will be able to concentrate more time on my shop! Although I think I do I pretty good job of it even when season was here. I will be happy to be in a more relaxed state and spend more time on what I'd like to be doing instead of life's obligations.
My boyfriend and I also plan on moving this summer. Come July we have the option of renewing our lease or finding a new place to dwell. We have been here for a while as it is and although it's not bad diggs we are looking for something larger. I believe will be able to find something comparable if we keep our eyes open. I am excited for a move because it means getting rid of a lot of old stuff and the possibility of gaining a larger work area. Instead of the living room as a hobby area/catch all. Two bedrooms has become too small and I would love to have an office work area to spread out in once again.
I will leave you with this update for now and will make sure to update more often with further details about how I plan on improving the shop and what else has been going on in my life! More DIY's and Shop Item's coming soon so stay tuned!
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