My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I received this book as a good reads giveaway.
I made a whole hearted attempt to finish this book. I really did. It did not hold my interest. It seemed extremely lame. the use of the word "century" repeatedly, over and over was more than I could bare. The main character is bipolar, does not react properly to certain situations and at times very dry and lacks her own personality. Physical descriptions were long and drawn out as well as contradicting, leaving me to question what color the cat actually was (silver/blue, make up your mind) and whether the main character was fat or skinny. I read about 50 pages before I put the book down because I felt like I was wasting my time. Seriously? Casanova coming back from the grave/past/another dimension, is extremely lame. Especially considering the fact that she is obsessed with him. Good science fiction/fiction is still based on some sort of truth or scientific fact that holds a certain level of likelihood that allows the reader suspended belief. This novel just does not work for me.