March 23, 2012

Finally a day off...

Today was my first day off in a week! A much needed one at that. I decided to spend it with my friend Amanda who I have not seen in a while and her adorable child Emma. Here we are at Subway getting our lunch on.
After Subway we went to Target. Since Emma's 1st birthday is approaching I decided to get her a little something because I am not sure if I would have her birthday off and would be able to go see her. Here she is with her new toy.

After Emma was content with her new toy, Amanda showed me her caterpillars. She has been keeping them until they make cocoons and they hatch into butterflies! Here are some monarchs!

 It was pretty neat to see a cocoon up close! As well as the caterpillars feeding on milkweed. After I left Amanda's I came back home and made a few pieces of jewelry that I will put up in the shop later this week. It was a relaxing day off. Now I'm just watching the X-files and waiting for my wonderful boyfriend to come home so I can give him his present too! I bought some Magic the Gathering cards for him.

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