Sara has a most lovely home and collection of items in her shop. Her talent exudes into her living space and her shop making them both very wondered things to lay your eyes upon. Learn more about Sara, her shop and her website by reading the interview below!
Shop Name: Antiquity, by Sadie Olive.
What you like to go by: Sara
When did you start your shop? Our main boutique, was opened in early 2007. I started the vintage only Etsy shop in September 2009.
Is this your only job? I do web design, photography, and am a boutique owner (all of which fall under my shop name Sadie Olive).
When did you realize you had this talent? I sort of took a leap of faith in 2007 when I opened my online shop, and when my blog and shop were well received, it gave me the confidence I needed to pursue my other passions, design and photography. By the end of 2007 I was doing it full time.
Where do you find your inspiration? All over really. Flea markets, other shop owners, magazines.
Who has been the most supportive of your work? My husband. It was a struggle financially in the beginning, and still is at times, but he has never lost confidence in me or asked me to pursue other options. He supports my work completely.
What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet? I would love to be a regular contributor to a magazine. I adore photography, and love to write, so it would give me great satisfaction to get paid to do both!
What are your words to live by or favorite quote? I think the words I live by are "put yourself out there". Believe it or not, it was my blog and my very personal journey I shared on it that opened so many doors for me. I don't believe I would be where I am today had I not shared myself so openly and honestly.