February 5, 2012

Featured Artist: ookysNcutes

Amy has gone through something very few of us have. Her story is amazing if you take the time to read it. She has felt the pains of life and made it through some rough times. Some of us would have just given up, but she pushed her way through and made some magic out of that. Here's to Amy's trials and tribulations! Amy you are a wonder, and I hope you succeed! Your drawings are beautiful!

What you like to go by: Amy Brenna
When did you start your shop? Sept. 30, 2011
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Is this your only job?
No, I work full-time as a Patient Care technician at a hospital.

When did you realize you had this talent?
I had studied art in college (who didn't?), but hadn't really created anything I felt as proud of as my "ookys" until December 1997, when I was stranded at a relative's home in Iowa during a snowstorm.
There was paper, markers, and a radio. And nothing else.
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Where do you find your inspiration?
The boyfriend I had at the time was a big inspiration, although not in the traditional way: I was in Iowa dropping him off at his father's house because he had developed paranoid schizophrenia and needed professional care. During his illness, he became preoccupied with eyes, and as you can see (pun!), that is a consistent theme in my artwork---which, despite having rather dark roots, rather tend to come across as cheerful creatures. I'm naturally upbeat, and I believe that comes through in my work.
Who has been the most supportive of your work? Over the years, my friends have shown the most support in being very vocal in their praise.
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What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet?
Being able to create full-time.

What are your words to live by or favorite quote?

"I insist to be happy, mad, sad, stupid, brilliant, genius, imbecile, horrible, mean, happy. ... I make an effort not to forget all these different colours," bjork
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